Tuesday 19 May 2009

I'm alright

It turns out that the slang term for something like "what's up?" or "how are you?" over here is "you alright?" That would be fine, if it weren't the American way of expressing concern for someone who looked hurt or upset. After congenially being asked five or six times if I was alright yesterday, I thought I must have huge bags under my eyes or look like I was about to cry, but after I took a quick look in the mirror I couldn't figure out why everyone seemed so worried. Finally, I asked someone today what exactly they meant by it, which is when I was told what it actually meant. Case closed (must incorporate phrase "you alright?" into new vocab).

Amusing Observation:
People here actually stop at crosswalks (which, incidentally, are called "zebra crossings"). I was informed that they did this because "it's the law." I couldn't quite explain to anyone why I found that explanation amusing (I mean, it's the law in Boston too, right?).

More later.

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